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Our Promise

My favorite thing about everything
is that you have the power to change anything.

We, the creators of Resonating Frequency Technologies, promise with every Energy Device, you will receive a high quality product. We take great care to find and purchase highly effective materials, organic and inorganic, to place within your Energy Device. The spiritual intent and the frequency infused into each creation adds meaning and power to your Energy Device.


However, we do not guarantee our products will achieve all, or any, of the results as discussed on the website, in emails, or in specified Energy Device Customization Plans.  



We do not "guaranteeour products because although we have invested years into the research and development of our Energy Devices, we must return to the truth of our knowing... "Intention and thought is everything." The ability for these devices to produce harmony in your life will depend on you! As a co-creater in this process, you must whole heartedly believe in the possiblities of creating harmony in your life, accept the change in frequency to raise your vibration, and align with your inner most desires, which are the intent you have infused into your device.


We promise the Energy Devices we create can bring well being to any and all who use them and we thank you for sharing part of your journey with us!

Imaginary Foundation
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